Committee Chair:
Dr. Caroll Visintainer, Caroline County
Scholarship Committee

Committee Charge:
To raise funds for the MRSPA Foundation
To plan for the distribution of the allotted portion of the annual
investment return for purposes approved by the Board of Directors
Committee Responsibilities:
To plan and execute a fund raising program
To review and revise the Scholarship Application form
To establish timelines for the application, evaluation and notification process
To notify Maryland Boards of Education of the scholarship, application process and timelines
To select awardees
To notify awardees by phone and letters
To update the Scholarship Newsletter
The 2023-2024 Application Period is now closed. Thank you to all who submitted applications!
The Maryland Retired School Personnel Association Foundation provides scholarship monies for currently employed educational personnel in the public schools of Maryland to become fully certified and qualified teachers. The MRSPA Foundation was established in 1999 with a generous donation to the Association by the late Irl and Ella Beall, longtime MRSPA members. In the past years, contributions from MRSPA members and friends of the Association have helped this fund grow.
The Association is committed to use only interest and dividends from the Foundation and proceeds from our annual raffle to award annual scholarships. Selection of the scholarship recipients is accomplished by the MRSPA Scholarship Committee.
Sixty-Six (66) scholarships have been awarded as of May 2024. Each year, the MRSPA Scholarship Committee strives to increase the number of scholarships awarded, as well as, increasing the amount given.
MRSPA members and friends of the Association are urged and encouraged to make yearly contributions to this fund. Donations are accepted at any time from anyone. They may be made to honor someone on special occasions, or in memory of a colleague or friend who has passed away. Donations are fully tax-deductible.
Click to view the 2024 MRSPA Scholarship Newsletter
Click here to donate to MRSPA!
Maryland Retired School Personnel Association Scholarship Winners
The MRSPA Scholarship Committee is proud to announce the winners of MRSPA's annual Scholarship Award!
Congratulations to the 2024 winners:
Erin McPhillips of Calvert County
John Wixted of Wicomico County
Michael Brown of Frederick County
MRSPA wishes the best on all the winners in their future educational endeavors.