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Member Benefits Committee

Committee Chair:                  

  • Oretha Bridgwaters-Simms, Prince George's County

Committee Charge:          

  • To investigate/recommend member benefits to the Executive
    Committee and/or the
    Board of Directors


Committee Responsibilities:     

  • To explore desirable benefits for MRSPA members

  • To review proposals presented by potential benefit providers

  • To discuss all aspects of proposed benefits with committee and proposed providers

  • To make final decisions on potential benefits and forward recommendations to the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee

  • To periodically update and publish the Member Benefits Brochure 23-24

  • To submit articles for the newsletter

Member Benefits pages:     

To explore benefits for MRSPA member, see page here



8379 Piney Orchard Parkway, Suite A
Odenton, MD 21113-1508

Phone: 410.551.1517 

Toll-free: 1.877.625.6782 

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MRSPA is a proud affiliate of the National Retired Teachers Association

AARP's Educator Community

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