AREA II NORTH: Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Harford County
AREA II SOUTH: Calvert County, Charles County, Prince George's County, and St. Mary's County
AREA III NORTH: Caroline County, Cecil County, Kent County, Queen Anne's County, and Talbot County
AREA III SOUTH: Dorchester County, Somerset County, Wicomico County, and Worcester County
Why Should You Join Your Local Association?
Your local association works with the Board of Education on issues related to your health benefits.
Local associations advocate on your behalf on legislative issues at the state, county, and local levels; working with your elected and appointed policymakers.
They present Pre-Retirement Seminars in cooperation with your local Board of Education and the Maryland State Retirement Agency.
A wide variety of activities are offered, including opportunities for travel and community service.
Local Membership Dues
Local Association dues are paid annually. These dues may be combined with your MRSPA dues and paid through annual deduction from your retirement/pension check. You may also elect to pay by personal check. If you choose to pay your annual dues by check, you will be billed in May of each year. You can pay by credit card online.