Legislative Committee
Committee Chair:
Thomas Slater, Frederick County
Committee Charge:
to provide leadership to the members and local associations by informing and monitoring legislation which will affect
members, schools, and older persons,
to mobilize support for or against specific legislation and to testify as needed,
to plan and deliver a state legislative workshop.
Committee Organization:
The committee is comprised of members from all regions of the state. All legislation related to retirement/pensions and other issues impacting retired educators is monitored. The committee determines if action is required. The committee is focused on the full actuarial funding of the State Retirement and Pension System and sustaining defined benefits for current and future retired educators.

Local Associations
Success of the MRSPA Legislative program is dependent upon teaming with the local associations. MRSPA supports and provides limited funding for local efforts to have constructive and meaningful interaction with state delegates and senators. Each local is encouraged to schedule local forums to share and discuss issues. Talking points and explanations of positions taken by the legislative committee are shared with local leadership to improve the dialogue and exchanges with elected officials and provide a resource of accurate and specific information as required.
Resources available to locals include:
Legislative Update available on the MRSPA website. Contains a list of legislation with positions taken by the Committee.
Legislative Priorities Brochure is an annual publication.
Financial support for local reception/meetings with legislators is available.
Online resource for links to the Maryland General Assembly and contact tool to communicate with local senators and representatives by legislative districts.
Legislative Lobby Day is an annual event in Annapolis to brief and discuss issues anticipated in the upcoming legislative session.
Speakers are available for local meetings to update membership on current issues/topics.
Collaboration/cooperation with other organizations including, NRTA (National Retired Teachers Association), AARP Maryland, National Council on Teacher Retirement (NCTR).
Legislative Aide monitors bills that are filed and shares the relevant proposed legislation with the committee. Testifies before the committees of the General Assembly on specific legislation when the committee has taken a position for the association.
Local leadership is encouraged to share with membership the tools available through MRSPA, especially on the website, to contact elected officials on MRSPA’s legislative priorities and positions. This broad and coordinated effort with the state and locals working in partnership is an effective strategy to advance the priorities.
See 2024 Legislative Workshop info and pictures on this page.
MRSPA Legislative Program - see this page and ones under it.
Current Maryland Legislative Updates- Legislative Updates page.
Legislative Workshop(Images Only)
January 2025
January 2025 Video (Click to View)