Consumer Education Committee

Committee Chair:
Phyllis Cherry, Anne Arundel County
Committee Charge:
The charge to the committee is to promote the well-being of the membership by helping them obtain the services and appropriate information in order to become informed consumers
Chair Responsibilities:
Submit reports and attend Board of Directors Meetings and Annual Business Meetings
Committee Responsibilities:
To promote the well-being of retired school personnel by helping them to obtain the services and information to solve or avoid personal problems.
To serve the membership as a source of information about available services and resources in their immediate communities.
To serve as a source of information for consumer issues.
To promote educational and service programs emphasizing health care, independent living, alternative housing options, consumer fraud, and legal measures.
The Consumer Education Committee publishes the Consumer Connection Newsletter, a bi-monthly newsletter for local association presidents and Consumer Education Committee Chairpersons as a source of information about concerns and issues facing retirees.