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MRSPA Community Service Awards Presented in May

at the 2023 Annual Business Meeting 

Winner - Individual Award, Allen Brown

Wicomico Retired School Personnel Association (WRSPA )

Photographs courtesy of Mr. Sam Levitan, photographer.

Allen Brown is a member of Wicomico Retired School Personnel Association (WRSPA) who volunteers over 160 hours a month to a variety of groups. Allen is a member of the Rotary Club where he purchases and delivers dictionaries to schools, helps select student scholarship winners, and reviews financial requests from non-profits for grants, while also delivering Meals on Wheels. Allen works with Parks and Rec to provide afternoon programs for at-risk youth, including building a playground and pickleball courts for children with disabilities. Working with the Chesapeake Housing Commission, Allen helps build wheelchair ramps and assists with other small home repairs. As a member of the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, Allen reviews applications for financial assistance, conducts field visits, and makes recommendations for needed support. Allen serves dutifully on several other Boards, assisting youth and others in need. As a member of the Board of Wor-Wic Community College, Allen helps oversee the college budget, assists in developing programs, as well as fundraisers. In WRSPA, Allen is the pre-retirement planning chairperson sending welcome letters to new retirees encouraging membership. He is active in collecting donations for the United Way, and many other aspects of the local association.

Winner - Individual Award, Wanda Morlock

Wanda Molock hails from Caroline Retired School Personnel (CRSP). She volunteers over 170 hours per month with an additional 200 hours annually as the volunteer co-coordinator of the Annual MLK, Jr. Day/Unity March/Day of Service. This county-wide event honors Dr. King and is designed to unify the community. Partnering with the Lockerman School Association Wanda and her co-coordinator, plan and hold the event with the help of elected officials, and civic organizations. Wanda also created Angels in Service, a volunteer medical transportation ministry driving people to appointments, the bank, grocery store, or pharmacy four days each week. Volunteering with the Lockerman School Association, Wanda oversees the entire scholarship application process from start to finish. As a community health outreach worker, she assists seniors and minorities with completing forms and making connections to access services. Wanda is also an active member of many church and civic organizations.

The Community Service Committee will start taking nominations for Community Service Awards again in Spring 2024. 

Local Association Project Awards


Winner (1 – 199 members) – “Caring is Sharing”

Garrett County Retired School Personnel Association (GCRSPA)

When thinking about how to best serve their community, members of GCRSPA considered ways to get books to children and families in need. After some research and outreach to local businesses, GCRSPA was granted permission to place little libraries in the five laundromats in the county. Using laundry baskets or boxes to hold the books, these little laundromat libraries allow members to donate books and keep the libraries stocked to improve learning and literacy across the county.

Winner (200 – 899 members) – “Crocheting for Comfort”

Washington County Retired Educational Personnel Assocation (WCREPA)

Member Debbie Banister learned how to crochet plastic (grocery or other store) bags into a mat from another member. She shared this idea with her local and a plan was born to crochet large mats that function as a moisture barrier for unhoused people when sleeping outdoors. Some members saved and donated multi-colors of plastic bags, others acted as “cutters,” slicing the bags into strips for crocheting, by yet more members. Sixteen mats were created using 500 to 700 plastic bags each and were donated to the REACH shelter. In addition, eighteen tote bags were created and filled with personal hygiene supplies for women at CASA.

Winner (900+ members) – “Interfaith Works” 

Montgomery County Public Schools Retirees Association (MCPSRA)

Interfaith Works is a nonprofit that provides emergency shelter, essential needs, and employment programs to over 35,000 Montgomery County residents each year. One such program supplies gently worn clothing and gently used household goods to families in need. The donated items are stored in a former junior high school where MCPSRA volunteers help to sort and package clothing for “shoppers.” MCPSRA also “donation matches” contributions. To date over $1,000 has been matched and donated to Interfaith Works by MCPSRA.

2022-2023 Local Association Project Nominees – Garrett County (small) Caring is Sharing; Cecil County- Teacher Mini Grants, Harford County- Boys and Girls Clubs, and Washington County- Crocheting for Comfort (medium); and Montgomery County – Interfaith Works (large)


The MRSPA Community Service Committee thanks and congratulates all our member volunteers! We are so proud of all you do!



8379 Piney Orchard Parkway, Suite A
Odenton, MD 21113-1508

Phone: 410.551.1517 

Toll-free: 1.877.625.6782 

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MRSPA is a proud affiliate of the National Retired Teachers Association

AARP's Educator Community

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